J. Kenneth Wallace, M.D. | Allan J. Kelley, M.D. | William T. Gannon, M.D. | Joe Sugg Jr., M.D.

Office Hours : Mon-Thu: 8am-5pm | Fri: 8am-3pm
  Phone : Toll Free 1-866-645-2244

Minor Surgery

Minor “lumps and bumps” around eyes can affect vision and an in-office surgical procedure is recommended.

These can include bumps on the lid caused from the obstruction of the meibomian gland called a chalazion or “stye”, benign eyelid lesions such as seborrheic keratosis, actinic keratosis, nevi or (moles), or sebaceous cysts. The patient may have some minor bruising, swelling or discomfort after the procedure, but there are no restrictions afterwards.

If the lesion looks “suspicious” for cancer, the specimen may be sent to pathology for further testing and the patient will be notified when the results come in.